Minute of Angle (MOA) for Scope Adjustment

Minute of Angle (MOA) Scope Adjustments and Holds I think most rifle shooters know the term “minute of angle” (MOA). In the breakdown of a scope, the minute of angle refers to a measurement you dial onto your scope, to change the point of impact on target by the same measure. For example, my […]
Master benchrest rifle shooting—video!

Hey sharpshooters, here’s a “how to” video on benchrest rifle shooting—mastering the precision rifle, close up! I took this two-minute video at a registered NBRSA (National Benchrest Shooters Association) match at the Fairchance rifle range in Pennsylvania —of me shooting a 0.373” group at 200 yards —that’s under two-tenths inch Minute of Angle. Watch the […]
How to Read the Wind: Intro to Precision Rifle Shooting

Hey hot shots – here’s an introductory video on how to read the wind for precision rifle shooting. We’ll eventually get into advanced techniques, but this first video is going to start with the basics. The language we use to describe wind conditions is easy to understand, but it’s not intuitive. I remember wondering whether […]