Ontario Rifle Shooters Association

Official ORSA Records – Group Shooting

ClassYardageCompetitorDate EstablishedGroup/Agg (inches)
Heavy Varmint100 Yard Agg.Bill MitchellAugust 29, 20150.1448
Heavy Varmint200 Yard Agg.Paul BurnsAugust 5, 20010.1756
HV Grand Agg100/200Bill MitchellAugust 30, 20150.1859
HV Small Group100Murray LongAugust 10, 20030.062
HV Small Group200Norm BarberJuly 5, 19980.184
Light Varmint100 Yard Agg.George SwitzerJune 2, 20010.1842
Light Varmint200 Yard Agg.George SwitzerMay 31, 20030.2127
LV Grand Agg.100/200George SwitzerJune 2, 20010.2205
LV Small Group100Gerry KruschenskeAugust 8, 20030.055
LV Small Group200Bill GammonAugust 7, 20040.095
LV/HV Two-Gun Agg.100/200Bill MitchellAugust 30, 20150.2042
Custom100 Yard Agg.Joe TimbersJune 7, 19980.2430
Custom200 Yard Agg.Jeff DevineNovember 19, 19950.3135
Custom Grand Agg.100/200Jeff DevineAugust 3, 19960.2960
Custom Small Group100Ken ClucheyAugust 3, 19960.149
Custom Small Group200Ken ClucheyApril 13, 19970.373
Factory100 Yard Agg.Jan TombsOctober 25, 19980.3306
Factory200 Yard Agg.Jan TombsOctober 25, 19980.3750
Factory Grand Agg100/200Jan TombsOctober 25, 19980.3528
Factory Small Group100Jan TombsOctober 25, 19980.184
Factory Small Group200Paul KedzierskiNovember 19, 19950.298

*  all shooters are from Ontario, Canada

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Here I want to share my passion with you, the tricks and tips from short-range benchrest—applicable to many shooting disciplines. I learned from watching and asking, making mistakes, and achieving success.